“In the face of death, the Church confidently proclaims that God has created each person for eternal life and that Jesus, the Son of God, by his death and resurrection, has broken the chains of sin and death that bound humanity.” Vatican Council II, Sacrosanctum Concilium, 5.
This page contains some resources for making funeral arrangements for a loved one. Some people also choose to pre-plan their own funerals so that their wishes are known.
If you have had a death in your family and need to reach someone to make arrangements, please call the church at 972-252-5521.
The principal liturgies in the Order of Christian Funerals are (1) Vigil for the Deceased, (2) the Mass of Christian Burial (Funeral Mass), and (3) the Rite of Committal.
Vigil – A priest, deacon, or a qualified lay minister may preside at a Vigil service with readings, a rosary, etc. as part of the visitation at the funeral home. This is the best time for family and friends to get up and share memories of the deceased.
Funeral Mass –The Church will walk with you during this time of grief. We will help you plan the funeral mass and contact all needed liturgists. Here are some things you may want to consider:
Scripture Readings – You may choose (or ask Father to) the three readings from the selections of the Rite of Christian Funerals provided by the Church. They are in the Documents list on the left here.
Family involvement - Some opportunities for friends/family to be involved in the liturgy are: readers (2 people), extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, and the presentation of the gifts (2 people). The church can contact parishioners for these roles if requested.
Music – The Church will contact the music ministers for their availability to provide music and guidance for song selection. Secular songs are best suited to the vigil or family gathering after the funeral mass. It is customary and a kindness to offer a monetary gift to these music ministers for their time.
Remarks of Remembrance – The preferred time for family and friends to share memories of the deceased is at the visitation held at a funeral home when the time constraints are fewer. A family member or friend may offer a brief reflection at the funeral mass (~5 minutes).
Program – We will provide a funeral mass worship aid/program.
Reception – The Altar Guild has a funeral reception ministry. If you are a member of the parish and would like to request a reception please allow at least two days notification and provide an estimated number of people attending. There is no charge for the space if it is available. Finger foods and refreshments are provided at a nominal cost to the family, and it is a nice opportunity for you to greet friends without the stress of hosting at your home.
Rite of Committal – This is a very short rite at the cemetery, about 5 minutes long. The presider is typically a deacon, and may be a qualified lay minister. Reverance for a loved ones human body requires that a final resting place provides permanance and dignity for the memory of the deceased, a child of God.
Donations: There is no charge for the funeral mass for members. However the lay members who provide liturgical music are to be compensated for their time and expertise.
The clergy and altar servers are typically honored with a monetary stipend appropriate to their level.
Often families ask if they can make a contribution to the church to help with our maintenance costs. A gift to the church can be in cash or check, made out to Holy Family of Nazareth. This information is simply provided as we are often asked by families what might be appropriate.
If you have any questions about funeral planning, please contact Sharon Gross.